Click on image for enlargement.
Lightcurve of transit of the planet of HD209458,
observed on 26 Jul2000 at the 0.9m Sierra Nevada telescope (IAA,
Granada) by
Deeg and Garrido.
Animations showing the transit of the planet: gif (380kb) or a smoother mpeg one (530kb, needs mpeg player
Spanisch participation in the
COROT satellite
density maps of COROT exoplanet fields
(version oct04, pdf file)
density maps of COROT exoplanet fields (old
7may04, individual graphs)
PASS, a Permanent All Sky
Survey for the detection of transiting planets
The Eddington
satellite , an astroseismology/exoplanets mission by ESA,
in Dec. 2003.
The TEP project, a search for Transits of Extrasolar Planets around eclipsing binary stars (project finished in 2001).
My hometown: Bad Mergentheim
There are many
impressive places on the Canary Islands - great if you like
photography. Below an image of Comet Hyakutake on 26 March 1996 over
Mt. Teide, which is also the highest mountain of Spain.
Photos from the Canary Islands can be found here.
These page are under
permanent construction and updated in exceedingly irregular instances.
Last one: 10 apr 16
Hans J. Deeg tel (+34)-619-360054
Investigador Titular / Staff Researcher fax (+34)-922-605210
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
C. Via Lactea S/N, E-38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain (Note: remove the 2 X's for true address)