Planets Orbiting Proto-galaxies

Leslie Sage, the Senior Editor of Nat, says 'impact factors = bullshit', made to satisfy shortminded deans.

from 55:02 to 56:26

It is a video with a talk given at the SETI institute in 2011

Links to the works of Professor Stronzo Bestiale .... 

Proofs that we all have bad days



this is published in the 

'Catalogue of selected compact galaxies and of post-eruptive galaxies' 1971 by Zwicky


A glossary for research reports




taken from the Kanzelhoe Solar Observatory webpage. It is ideal to show how the thermal fluctuations worsen the quality of the astronomical observations (see the wake of the propellers).







Hanlon's Razor: Very useful to keep in mind to understand the behaviour some humans

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

Nunca atribuyas a maldad lo que puede ser facilmente explicado como estupidez


Cannot believe it (seen in a presentation at the IAC on Jan 2011



(Me la envia mi hija de 17 años en 2011...)



Download and rotate by 180 degs this image, ... and see how your perception of of the mood of Thatch changes.

It is your brain kidding!

Apparently, this is called Thatcher effect (Thompson 1980, perception), and I knew of it in the paper by Woo 2010, Scientist American, 98, 212


Famous people staring at our image

LEST telescope, so good as to observe the sun during the night 'El Pais 19 Enero 1990' 

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