01: cyg1 observations. Clear good night.
02: cyg1 observations. Butch hanged at some moment in the night. Scope out of limits.
03: cyg1 observations.
04: cyg1 observations. Cirrus. Closed at 4UT (bad weather).
05: cyg1 observations. Closed at 5:30 due to high humidity.
06: cyg1 observations. Clouds at the begining of the night. Dust.
07: cyg1 observations. Clear night.
08: cyg1 observations. Clear night.
09: cyg1 observations. Some clouds at the begining of the night, and some dust (increasing).
10: cyg1 observations. Good night. Some dust.
11: cyg1 observations. Butch hanged, but all the images OK.
12: cyg1 observations. Some problems (dome?).
13: Problems.
14: Problems.
15: Problems.
16: Problems.
17: Problem detected (dec motor). 2002NY40 observations+bias+flats in R and V.
18: Dec problem.
19: Dec problem.
20: University's Dec motor installed. cyg1 observations.
21: cyg1 observations.
22: cyg1 observations.
23: cyg1 observations.
24: ?
25: ?
26: ?
27: HD217107
28: HD217107
29: ?
30: Rain.
31: Rain.

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