01: lyr0 observations. Out of limits at the end.
02: Problems repointing telescope.
03: Telescope reponted. Good lyr0 observations.
04: lyr0 observations. Good weather.
05: lyr0 observations, good until #202. Then out of limits and some RA problems.
06: Problems with the dome.
07: Problems with the dome.
08: Problems with the dome and out of limits.
09: Problems with dome motor solved. Good lyr0 observations.
10: Good lyr0 observations. Some dust.
11: No guide. Bad weather.
12: Bad weather.
13: Rain.
14: Repointed and guiding. Lyr0 data. Clear sky, some cirrus at the end.
15: lyr0 observations. Some dust.
16: lyr0 observations. Some dust.
17: lyr0 observations. Some dust.
18: No observations. Bad weather.
19: Many clouds. Observations.
20: Clear weather. Goor lyr0 observations.
21: Clear weather. Goor lyr0 observations.
22: No data (?).
23: Clear weather. Goor lyr0 observations.
24: Clear weather. Goor lyr0 observations.
25: Clear weather. Goor lyr0 observations. Bad seeing.
26: Clear weather. Goor lyr0 observations. Out of limits.
27: ?
28: Out of limits.
29: Sky flats (manually pointed to zenith). Dome flats. Repointed. Good lyr0 observations. Problems from image #182/220. Out of limits.
30: Repointed and good lyr0 observations. 218 images.
31: Bad weather. Dark currents: dark1 with SBIG and keypad lights. Dark2 without these lights.