01: Tests with the guiding. No observations.
02: Bad guiding. No observations.
03: Bad guiding. No observations.
04: Guiding problem solved. Some observations, but a lot of cirrus.
05: Cirrus. No observations.
06: Good cor2 observations.
07: Good cor2 observations.
08: Some observations. Bad guiding.
09: Cirrus. No observations.
10: Bad weather. Windy day with dust.
11: Bad weather. Windy day with dust and cirrus.
12: Bad weather.
13: Bad weather. Windy.
14: No  observations.
15: Snow!!
16: More snow.
17: Bad weather. The sky is cover of cirrus.
18: Bad weather.
19: Windy.
20: No observations. The telescope is not align.
21: No observations.
22: No observations.
23: Observations!!!
24: Observations.
25: Bad weather
26: Bad weather
27: Bad weather
28: Bad weather

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