01: Rain.
02: Some data and some dome problems.
03: Few data. Date at sundance 040102. Changed.
04: And0 observations. Clear sky.
05: Inversion layer. No data.
06: Inversion layer.
07: 23 And0 images. Closed due to humidity.
08: Rain.
09: Humidity.
10: Cloudy.
11: And0 observations.
12: And0 observations. Very good night.
13: And0 observations. Very good night. Guide probs from #72
14: Guide problems. No data.
15: Cirrus. No data.
16: Moving to lyn0. No data.
17: Lyn0 observations. Guide problems in RA from #135
18: Lyn0 observations. No problems.
19: No data.
20: Lyn0 observations (83)
21: Lyn0 observations. Some cirrus.
22: No data. Inversion layer.
23: Lyn0 observations. Dome problems with the rail.
24: Lyn0 observations. Good guiding.
25: Lyn0 observations. Some Dec guide problems.
26: No guiding. Lyn0 data.
27: Cirrus. No data.
28: Opened and closed due to humidity. Butch hanged.
29: No data. Humidity.
30: Lyn0 observations. Some dec guide problems.
31: Guide problems. Few data.