01: Bad weather.
02: Bad weather. Cirrus and high humidity.
03: Bad weather. Cloudy and high humidity.
04: Bad weather. Cloudy and high humidity.
05: Bad weather. Electric storm and snow.
06: Bad weather. Lot of dust.
07: Bad weather. Cirrus.
08: Bad weather. Cirrus and dust.
09: Bad weather. DLT re-installed and DLT005 saved.
10: Bad weather.
11: Bad weather.
12: Bad weather.
13: Bad weather.
14: Aur2 observations from aprox. 20h (observer had to align the telescope) until aprox. 0h (high humidity)
15: Aur2 observations. Star too off-centered at the ccguide ref. image--> ccguide failed. Good images and ccguide working: 36 until 122.
16: Dome lock problem detected. Humidity 100% at 23:30.
17: Guiding problem ("9" in the images). Humidity 100% at 01:30.
18: Problems with the dome, locking SBIG and STARE. Several good images, until the dome locks the telescope.
19: Problems with the dome. No observations.
20: Problems with the dome. No observations.
21: Dome problems seem solved. Also tracking problem (reseting the MEADE mounting) seems solved. Several good and bad images.
22: Aur2 observations: 247 images. Please take a look at the FTP logs, the SBIG seems to work properly only from the image 180 to the end. But the dx,dy errors on the rest seem to be OK.
23: Dome problem. At the morning the observer finds the "reset" button illuminated. No data.
24: Aur2 observations: 243 images.
25: Aur2 observations: 241 images.
26: Bad weather.
27: Bad weather.
28: Bad weather. Dome calibrations:
Flat field
Dark current
bias1: 20x1s
bias2: 20x1s (After dark current)
bias3: 20x1s (After flat fields)
flatr1: 20x1s
flatr2: 20x2s
flatr3: 20x5s
flatr4: 20x10s
flatr5: 20x20s
flatv1: 20x20s
flatb1: 40x30s
flatv2: 20x20s
flatr6: 20x20s
dark1: 20x600s (between bias1 and bias2)

29: 11:50 AM>> Problems with the power supply. While the UPS is working, I turn off PCs, telescope mount, shutter controler and Pixel Vision CCD. Power restarted at 3 PM. Bad weather.
30: Good weather. Bad guiding. Tests done. Images moved in RA.
31: Good weather. No observations (bad guiding).

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