01: DEC problems.
02: DEC problems.
03: DEC problems. High wind.
04: DEC problems.
05: DEC problems. Cirrus.
06: University's motor installed. Cor6 (HD 43318) and cor7 (HD 57006) color and guide images. Cnc0 observations.
07: Cirrus.
08: Cnc0 observations. Good from 0 UT.
09: Cnc0 observations.
10: Guide problems.
11: Cnc0 observations.
12: Inversion layer. No observations.
13: Cirrus. No data.
14: Clouds. Dec problems.
15: Clouds and strong wind.
16: Rain.
17: Guide problems.
18: Cnc0 observations. Some cirrus.
19: Humidity and clouds.
20: Bad weather. Ice.
21: Bad weather.
22: Bad weather.
23: Bad weather.
24: Bad weather and ice.
25: Bad weather.
26: Guide problems.
27: Power loss at the observatory.
28: Clouds.
29: Clouds.
30: Clouds.
31: Clouds.