01: And0 observations. Guide probs. from #207
02: And0 observations. Some guide probs. and closed due to humidity.
03: And0 observations. Good night.
04: And0 observations. Guiding probs. from #253
05: And0 observations. No guide probs.
06: Some and0 data. Closed due to cirrus. Bad data.
07: Bad weather. Some and0 data. Read problems from #149.
08: No data. Cirrus.
09: And0 observations.
10: And0 observations.
11: 7 and0 images. Closed due to humidity. 
12: And0 observations. 268 good images.
13: And0 observations. Opened at 2 UT due to cirrus.
14: Per2 observations. Covered at 2 UT.
15: Dome R flats. And0 observations. Out of limits at the last image.
16: No obsevations. Misty.
17: And0 observations. Closed at 3 UT due to humidity.
18: cor6 observations.
19: No data. High humidity.
20: And0 observations until 0:30. Closed due to humidity.
21: Rain and wind. No data.
22: Rain and wind. No data.
23: Rain and wind. No data.
24: Rain. No data.
25: And0 observations. OK.
26: And0 observations. Cirrus.
27: And0 observations. Good night.
28: Dome FF. And0 observations.
29: And0 observations. Nice weather.
30: And0 observations. Nice weather. Guide probs from #180