01: Bad weather
02: Bad weather
03: Bad weather
04: Bad weather
05: Bad weather
06: Bad weather
07: Bad weather
08: Dome calibrations:
bias1   flatr1  flatr2  flatr3  flatr4  flatr5  flatv1  flatb1  flatv2   flatr6  bias2 
20x1s 20x1s 20x2s 20x5s 20x10s 20x20s 20x20s 40x30s 20x20s 20x20s 20x1s

09: Bad weather. Dark current calibration:
bias1 dark1 bias1
20x1s 20x600s 20x1s

10: Bad weather
11: Bad weather
12: Some good data; humidity high -> closed dome at ??. Telescope out of limits.
13: Coordinates matched. CCD readout problems -> All images bad.
14: Sundance reset in the morning. Problems with the dome at night (I think they are solved now).
      Telescope was out of limits when they closed by high humidity (?).
15: CCD readout problems.
16: Flexure problem at Per field detected.
17: No data, until flexure problem solved. Bad weather.
18: No data, until flexure problem solved. Bad weather.
19: Counterweight removed. Bad weather.
20: Bad weather.
21: Bad weather.
22: Bad weather.
23: Bad weather.
24: Bad weather.
25: Bad weather.
26: Good weather. Telescope balanced. Dec drive problem.

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