01: Bad weather.
02: Bad weather.
03: cyg1 observations.
04: HD217107
05: cyg1 observations.
06: Bad weather.
07: Bad weather.
08: Bad weather.
09: cyg1 observations. ccguide problem??
10: cyg1 observations. Out of limits.
11: cyg1 observations. Some guiding problems.
12: No data.Problems with butch.
13: ?
14: High wind. Problems with the mount.
15: High wind.
16: High wind.
17: cyg1 observations. 98+20 bias
18: cyg1 observations. 167+20 bias
19: Cirrus. No data.
20: High wind and clouds. No data.
21: Clouds. No data.
22: Clouds. No data.
23: cyg1 observations. 124+20 bias. Out of limits.
24: No data.
25: cyg1 observations. 83+20 bias. Clouds.
26: Clouds. No observations.
27: REALIGNMENT of the guide scope. This was the reason for the lasts "out of limits" stuff. cyg1: 80.
28: cyg1 observations. 92+20 bias.
29: cyg1 observations. 90+20 bias.
30: Sky covered. No observations.

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