Communication of Astronomy
I am a scientific editor at the IAC's Scientific Editorial Service and
a freelance editorial consultant for the Astronomical
Society of the Pacific.
The following are my publications in the communication of astronomy:
Mahoney, T. J. 2001, `Making the most of publishing software', in ASP Conference
Series, IAU Special Assembly: Astronomy for Developing Countries
(San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), p. 333
Mahoney, T. J. 2005, `Editing conference proceedings: some general considerations', in
Communicating Astronomy, ed. T. J. Mahoney (La Laguna: Instituto de Astrofisica
de Canarias), pp. 54-58
Mahoney, T. J. (ed.) 2005, Communicating Astronomy
(La Laguna: Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias)
Mahoney, T. J. 2005, `The role of the popular article in the communication of astronomy', in
Communicating Astronomy with the Public, ed. I Robson and L. Lindberg Christensen
(Garching: ESA/Hubble), pp. 180-191
Mahoney, T. J. 2005, `Editing conference proceedings: some general considerations', in
Communicating Astronomy, ed. T. J. Mahoney (La Laguna: Instituto de Astrofisica
de Canarias), pp. 54-58
Mahoney, T. J. 2006, `Getting a Word in Edgeways', in
IAU GA 2006 SPS2: Innovation in Teaching/Learning Astronomy Methods, ed. J. M. Pasachoff and M. R. Ros
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), in press
Mahoney, T. J. 2007, `Open Access: A Consommer avec Moderation', in
Future Professional Communication in Astronomy, ed. A. Heck,
Mem. R. Belgian Acad., in press
Mahoney, T. J. (moderator) 2007, `Publishers' Forum', in
Future Professional Communication in Astronomy, ed. A. Heck,
Mem. R. Belgian Acad., in press
Mahoney, T. J. 2007, `Do electronic publications really have a future?', in
ASP Conf. Ser., Libraries and Information Services in Astronomy V: Common Challenges,
Uncommon Solutions, ed. C. Birdie, S. Ricketts and E. Isaksson (San Francisco: ASP),
in press