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Tuesday May 9, 2023
Dr. Jeff Kuhn
University of Hawaii + IAC


What would a 35m-scale narrow field-of-view telescope look like that is designed for high dynamic range direct imaging science? The EU has charged the IAC in a 5 year program to explore and develop the concepts and technologies that could make such a ground-based telescope possible. From tensegrity mechanics to astrophotonic wavefront sensing and control in Fizeau optics, the IAC and IACTEC "Laboratory for Innovation in Optomechanics (LIOM)" is just now starting these research activities. This talk will outline the motivation, concepts, and prototypes that LIOM and the IAC will advance over the next few years.

Friday May 5, 2023
Diego Alberto Tamayo Guzmán


Sabemos que la música lleva con nosotros desde la prehistoria y ha ido evolucionando con el pasar de los años hasta convertirse en lo que conocemos y practicamos a día de hoy. Pero, ¿es acaso que descubrimos un "lenguaje universal" como la llaman algunos o no es más que una argucia armónica que inventamos para complacer a nuestros sentidos? Esta charla presenta un análisis matemático de las características armónicas de la música a través de las distintas etapas que ha atravesado con el pasar de los siglos, con demostraciones experimentales y ejemplos auditivos.




Thursday May 4, 2023
Dr. Paul Beck


Understanding stellar structure and evolution significantly impacts our understanding of the tight-knit evolution of galaxies and exoplanet systems. However, hidden behind the luminous layers of the stellar atmosphere, the deep interior of a star is eluding from direct measurements. The seismic study of waves propagating the deep interior provides the only way to measure the internal structure, dynamics, and mixing in any given star and compare it to theoretical models.

With the photometric data from space missions, such as the NASA Kepler telescope, a golden age has begun for seismology. In particular, the seismic studies of thousands of solar-like have led to numerous breakthroughs in our understanding of the stellar structure of red-giant stars. Complimentary information on stellar binarity, tidal forces, rotation, and lithium abundance provide additional constraints to characterize the advanced evolution of stars further and provide high-resolution insights into complex internal adjustments. Approaching a sample of ~1000 identified solar-like oscillators in binary systems, provided by the ESA Gaia and NASA TESS missions draws an exciting picture on the interaction of stellar and orbital evolution.


ID de reunión: 892 7515 0368

Código de acceso: 101169


Tuesday May 2, 2023
Dr. Carlos Quintero Noda


We divide this talk into two parts. In the first part, we will introduce the numerical codes we use, mainly in solar physics, to infer information about the solar atmosphere from spectro-polarimetric observations. In particular, we will present a new version that was recently developed (see Ruiz Cobo et al., 2022). In the second part of the talk, we will learn how we opted to bring the code to the public through online tutorials, and we will show where to find them (see the link below). Also, we will explain why we believe this new approach could be interesting for other research areas and give some tips in case someone is interested in trying the method.

Thursday April 27, 2023
Dr. Emma Fernandez Alvar


The previous years have witnessed a big leap forward in our understanding of the Milky Way. Thanks to the highly accurate astrometry and photometry provided by the Gaia mission in combination with large photometric and spectroscopic all-sky surveys, we have now a clearer view of the chemo-dynamics of the stellar populations that constitute our Galaxy. Our former characterization of the Milky Way components (the bulge, halo, and thick and thin discs) is now compromised by the latest discoveries and their limits are blurrier than ever. However, hints on the kind of events and processes that led to the formation of our Galaxy emerge from the analysis of these high-quality data. In this talk I will review the latest results about what caused the current stellar halo configuration and the observational evidences of the dawn of the Milky Way’s disc. I will also present the project carried out at the ULL/IAC to derive the star formation history of the Milky Way which will provide the temporal information that is still missing in Galactic research.




ID de reunión: 857 3719 8942

Código de acceso: 350472


Tuesday April 25, 2023
Dr. Claudia Raiteri
INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino


Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are the most luminous persistent sources in the universe. A minority of AGN are characterised by powerful plasma jets extending from close to the supermassive black hole at the centre of their host galaxy up to megaparsec scales in the intergalactic space. Inside these jets, charged particles are accelerated to relativistic speeds and emit non-thermal radiation. In blazars one jet is oriented at a small angle with respect to the line of sight, and this causes Doppler beaming of the jet emission, with consequent flux enhancement, and decrease of the variability time scales. The dominant contribution of the jet radiation to the blazar emission makes these objects ideal sources to investigate what happens in the inner regions of AGN jets and even what is the jet structure and dynamics. We have been studying blazar variability for more than 20 years in the framework of the Whole Blazar Telescope (WEBT) Collaboration, including many tens of astronomers observing mainly in the optical, but also in the radio and near-infrared bands. The analysis of the wealth of multiwavelength data gathered during the WEBT monitoring campaigns, with unique time resolution in the optical band, allowed us to outline a model for the blazar variability, involving an inhomogeneous twisting jet. In the final part of the seminar we will mention the contribution to blazar understanding that is expected from Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time.

Friday April 21, 2023
Alfonso Ynigo Rivera


 A lo largo del último año, el equipo de IACTEC-Espacio ha implementado la ingeniería basada en modelos (MBSE de sus siglas en inglés) progresivamente en todos sus desarrollos. Esta metodología tiene como objetivo último la utilización de modelos que representen un repositorio de información única y fidedigna en los desarrollos de ingeniería. La herramienta utilizada permite definir la estructura de producto, los requisitos a nivel de sistema y a niveles inferiores y el proceso de verificación de los mismos, así como la realización de análisis basados en las variables del modelo y la gestión de tareas del equipo. En la charla se mostrará cómo se ha implementado la ingeniería basada en modelos en el desarrollo de DRAGO-2 y de VINIS, resaltando las ventajas y limitaciones de esta metodología.

Unirse a la reunión Zoom:

ID de reunión:895 4772 5277




Thursday April 20, 2023
Dr. Eva Laplace
HITS, Heidelberg


Gravitational-wave observations have revealed the population of stellar remnants from a new angle. Yet their stellar progenitors remain uncertain, in particular in the case of black holes. At least a fraction of these progenitors is believed to form in isolated binary systems. In this talk, I will discuss how binary mass transfer affects the late evolution and final fate of massive stars. The focus will be on stars that transfer their outer layers to a companion star and become binary-stripped. Binary-stripped stars develop systematically different core structures compared to single stars. I will discuss consequences for supernova progenitors, black hole formation, supernova nucleosynthesis, and gravitational-wave observations.

Tuesday April 18, 2023
Dr. Ismael García Bernete
University of Oxford



Nowadays, it is widely accepted that most galaxies undergo an active phase in their evolution. The impact of the energy released by active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the interstellar medium (ISM) of the host galaxy has been proposed as a key mechanism responsible for regulating star formation (SF). The mid-infrared (IR) is the ideal spectral range to investigate the nuclear/circumnuclear regions of AGN since dust extinction is significantly lower compared to the visible range. Furthermore, it provides unique tracers to study the AGN-SF connection such as H2 rotational lines, fine structure lines and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs are also a powerful tool to characterize the ISM in different environments.

Recently, we presented new JWST/MIRI MRS spectroscopy of three Seyfert AGN in which we compare their nuclear PAH emission with that of star-forming regions. This study represents the first of its kind to use sub-arcsecond angular resolution data of local luminous Seyferts (Lbol > 10^44.5 erg/s) with a wide wavelength coverage (4.9-28.1 μm). Our results showed that a suite of PAH features is present in the innermost parts of these Seyfert galaxies. We found that the nuclear regions of AGN lie at different positions of the PAH diagnostic diagrams, whereas the SF regions are concentrated around the average values of SF galaxies. Furthermore, we find that the nuclear PAH emission mainly originates in neutral PAHs while, in contrast, PAH emission originating in the star forming regions favours small ionised PAH grains. Therefore, our results provide evidence that the AGN have a significant impact on the ionization state and size of the PAH grains on scales of ~142-245 pc. This is fundamental since PAH bands are routinely used to measure star-formation activity in near and far SF and active galaxies.

Finally, I will summarise our ongoing JWST work within the GATOS (Galactic Activity, Torus and Outflow Survey) collaboration. In particular, I will focus on our recent study about the survival of PAH molecules in AGN-driven outflows.

Thursday April 13, 2023
Prof. Jocelyn Bell
Oxford University


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