Found 75 talks archived in General

The National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC) was officially founded in April 2001 through the merger of several unites and was headquartered in Beijing, which was formerly called the Beijing Astronomical Observatory established in 1958. Aiming at the forefront of astronomical science, NAOC conducts cutting-edge astronomical studies, operates major national facilities and develops state-of-the-art technological innovations in China. NAOC is one of the most important institutes for Astronomy in Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) system, as well as in the whole country. I will briefly introduce NAOC, including the facilities, research and the international collaborations.

We propose ground-based monitoring system for atmospheric water vapor based on wide-range spectra at 20 – 30 GHz and 50 – 60 GHz ranges. It observes in these microwave range and estimates the thermodynamic environments in the atmosphere. These information can determine short-term forecasting and now casting of severe storms. Our system can catch rapid increase of water vapor before clouds generation. We employ cold receiver system to achieve a system temperature below the atmospheric radiations. We will present overview of the system, including status of development, and results of long-term monitoring in outside.

Talk to update on progress of IAC scientists with SDSS-IV data.

Dr Roger Hoyland has been working at the IAC for the last 21 years on the Cosmic Microwave Background Experiments. He started out as a research assistant at Jodrell Bank, University of Manchester, near his home town. His expertise lies in sensitive microwave radiometer design. He has worked on various projects such as the Tenerife Experiments, The Planck Surveyor Mission and The QUIJOTE project.
This talk is for the general public (even if mostly scientific) and aims to explain some of the misunderstandings and myths about microwave devices that we use in our everyday life. There are many YouTube videos about the effects of microwaves but which do you believe? Does your mobile phone really cause interference in an airplane? Can you really destroy your credit card by carrying it next to your mobile? Does the EMP bomb really exist? All this and more…………….
With the help of several live experiments and some audience participation (be prepared!) you will find out the science behind the myths around mobiles, microwave ovens and other microwave devices.
PS: Please bring along your mobile phone if you have one.

En el mundo romano, a la hora de crear una nueva ciudad, un parcelario rural, un campamento, era necesario tener el parabien de los dioses, hecho que se conseguía mediante el rito de fundación. En este ceremonial, entre otras cosa, se marcaba sobre el suelo una figura compuesta por dos líneas que se cortaban perpendicularmente, señalando respectivamente, la linea norte-sur y este-oeste. Estas dos alineaciones marcaban, teóricamente, las direcciones de los dos ejes principales de los trazados romanos: el cardo y el decumano. La realidad es que esa orientación hacia los puntos cardinales se dio en pocas ocasiones; causas simbólicas y rituales, cuestiones prácticas y funcionales, hicieron que a los trazados se les concedieran otras alineaciones. Cómo dibujar en el suelo orientaciones que no siguen los ejes cardinales, y teniendo en cuenta los medios con los que se contaba en ese período histórico es la temática en la que versará este seminario, en donde la descripción de la técnica definida por el agrimensor Nipsius, la varatio, va a ser la base de la explicación a uno de los plausibles procedimientos utilizado para conferir al entramado que se quiera construir, la orientación que se consideró la más adecuada para ese lugar.

Divulgation Lecture to Celebrate the International Year of Light and 150th Anniversary of Maxwell´s great paper on Electromagnetism of 1865.



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