BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// 1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Atlantic/Canary:20211118T103000 DTEND;TZID=Atlantic/Canary:20211118T113000 UID:iactalks-1533 X-WR-CALNAME: IAC Talks: Open Astronomy Seminars X-ORIGINAL-URL: /iactalks/Talks/view/1533 CREATED:2021-11-18T10:30:00+00:00 X-WR-CALDESC: IAC Talks upcomming talks SUMMARY:Academic freedom: what it is, how we protect it DESCRIPTION:Academic freedom: what it is, how we protect it\nProf. Erik J. Olsson\n\nWhat is academic freedom? Why do we need it? What specific righ ts do we have as teachers and researchers? These questions are addressed i n relation to the UNESCO 1997 recommendation for higher-education teaching personnel. It is observed that having good rules and regulations is one t hing, what happens in practice often quite another. The final part of the talk lists the main current threats to academic freedom in the Western wor ld and what can be done to counter them by efficient means, with a case st udy from Sweden.\n____________________________\n[English version below]\nE xtracto del Acta del Comité Director del IAC del 24 de noviembre de 2021:\n“En relación con el seminario impartido recientemente en el IAC por el Prof. Erik J. Olsson (Univ. de Lund), la Direcció n del centro lamenta profundamente que en el transcurso del mismo se reali zaran afirmaciones absolutamente contrarias con nuestro firme compromiso c on la igualdad de género y con los principios de nuestro Cód igo Ético.\n Este profesor no se encontraba en visita de traba jo en nuestro centro. Su ponencia fue propuesta, de manera puntual, por un investigador del IAC a la Comisión de Seminarios, quien revis&oacu te; el título y el resumen facilitados de la ponencia. Esta Comisi& oacute;n, por la información proporcionada, no podía deducir los contenidos totalmente inapropiados que finalmente fueron expuestos en varias transparencias y manifestados verbalmente por el referido ponente. \n La Dirección del centro expresa su rotunda desaprobaci&oacu te;n ante lo ocurrido y mantiene la medida de cancelar la distribuci&oacut e;n y el acceso a la ponencia a través de los medios de comunicaci& oacute;n propios del centro; confirmando  la acción tomada, co mo medida preventiva por el Director, en el momento en el que se tuvo noti cia de lo ocurrido.\n Se recuerda la responsabilidad que tiene todo e l personal del centro con el cumplimiento de nuestro Código É ;tico, y los principios y fines del IAC en el desarrollo de nuestra activi dad. Este compromiso es extensivo al personal externo que sea invitado par a la realización de actividades en nuestro instituto.”\n_____ _\n[Text extracted from the acts of the Direction Committee meeting held o n November 24th 2021]\n"In relation with the seminar recently given by Pro f. Erik J. Olsson (Univ. of Lund, Sweden), the IAC Direction deeply regret s statements made during that seminar since those statements fully oppose our firm committment towards gender equality and the principles of our eth ical code.   \nProf. Olsson was not in an offical visit at IAC. His seminar had been proposed to the IAC's Seminar Commission by an indivi dual senior researcher at IAC. This Commission revised the title and the a bstract provided for this talk, from which it could not foresee the totall y inappropriate content exposed in several slides, and verbally manifested by the speaker.\nThe direction of IAC expresses its absolute dissaproval of these events, and maintains its measure of blocking all institutional c hannels for the access and/or distribution of the recording of this semina r. Hereby we confirm that measure, which was adopted preliminarily by the IAC's direction when it was first informed of these events.\nWe remind all IAC staff of our responsibility towards the observation of our Ethical Co de, together with the IAC's principles and objectives in the development o f all our activities. This committment is extended to any external personn el that is present at our institution.”\n______ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR