Found 41 talks width keyword dark matter

I present the recent results obtained using the updated version of MG-MAMPOSSt, a code that constrains modified gravity (MG) models viable at cosmological scales using determination of galaxy cluster mass profiles with kinematics and lensing analyses. I will discuss limitations and future developments of this method in view of upcoming imaging and spectroscopic surveys, as well as the possibilities of including X-ray data to break degeneracy among model parameters. Finally I will show preliminary results about the constraints that can be obtained on the inner slope of dark matter profiles when adding the velocity dispersion of the Brightest Central Galaxy (BCG) in the dataset of MG-MAMPOSSt.

Vimos Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS) is a spectroscopic survey designed to investigate the spatial distribution of ~90k galaxies on redshift 0.4<z<1.2. The catalogue of spectroscopic observations, combined with auxiliary photometric data, is perfect for evolutionary studies of different types of galaxies. But also for tracing rare objects. One of them are the so-called “red nuggets”, progenitors of the most massive galaxies in the local Universe. The discovery of red nuggets - highly massive, passive and extremely compact galaxies - at high redshift challenged the leading cosmological models, as they do not fit into the evolutionary paths of passive galaxies. Taking into account that the galaxies' mergers are stochastic events, it is possible that some red nuggets remain relatively unaltered for billions of years. Those survivors constitute a group of unique galaxies in the local Universe, commonly named “relics”. Despite numerous studies dedicated to red nuggets and relics, the link between the population of compact, massive, passive galaxies in the early Universe and their remnants in the local Universe, is still poorly understood.
In my talk I will present the first spectroscopically selected catalogue of red nuggets at the intermediate redshift. It is the most extensive catalogue of this kind of galaxies above redshift z > 0.5. Selected under the most strict criteria, the group of 77 objects consists of a statistically important sample, which allows for analysis of physical properties of those rare passive giants. I will discuss the influence of compactness criteria on the sample size. Moreover I will present VIPERS red nuggets number densities and discuss the environmental preferences of those exceptional galaxies.

Cosmological observations (redshifts, cosmic microwave background radiation, abundance of light elements, formation and evolution of galaxies, large-scale structure) find explanations within the standard Lambda-CDM model, although many times after a number of ad hoc corrections. Nevertheless, the expression ‘crisis in cosmology’ stubbornly reverberates in the scientific literature: the higher the precision with which the standard cosmological model tries to fit the data, the greater the number of tensions that arise. Moreover, there are alternative explanations for most of the observations. Therefore, cosmological hypotheses should be very cautiously proposed and even more cautiously received.
There are also sociological and philosophical arguments to support this scepticism. Only the standard model is considered by most professional cosmologists, while the challenges of the most fundamental ideas of modern cosmology are usually neglected. Funding, research positions, prestige, telescope time, publication in top journals, citations, conferences, and other resources are dedicated almost exclusively to standard cosmology. Moreover, religious, philosophical, economic, and political ideologies in a world dominated by anglophone culture also influence the contents of cosmological ideas.

A key problem that we are facing in cosmology nowadays is that we cannot make accurate predictions with our current theoretical models. We have all of the pieces of the standard model but it doesn't have an analytical solution. The only way to have accurate predictions is to run a cosmological simulation. Then, why not use these simulations as the theory model? Well, for one main reason, if we want to explore the full parameter space comprised in the standard model, we need thousands of such simulations, and they are terribly computationally expensive. We wouldn't be able to do it in years! In this talk, I will tell you how in the last few years we have come up with a way to circumvent this problem.


We introduce the strong CP problem and the existence of the Axion as a possible solution.
We discuss the possibility that axions are the dark matter of the Universe and the possible ways to
detect it or disprove it using: direct laboratory experiments as well as astrophysical and cosmological

Bosonic ultra-light dark matter (ULDM) in the mass range m ~ $10^{-22} - 10^{-21} \rm eV$ has been invoked as a motivated candidate with new input for the small-scale `puzzles' of cold dark matter. Numerical simulations show that these models form cored density distributions at the center of galaxies ('solitons'). These works also found an empirical scaling relation between the mass of the large-scale host halo and the mass of the central soliton. We show that this relation predicts that the peak circular velocity of the outskirts of the galaxy should approximately repeat itself in the central region. Contrasting this prediction to the measured rotation curves of well-resolved near-by galaxies, we show that ULDM in the mass range m ~ $10^{-22} - 10^{-21} \rm eV$ is in tension with the data.

Cosmological and astrophysical experimental data demark a large share of the limits of our knowledge in fundamental physics. I'll review two pieces of evidence of our ignorance: the nature of dark matter and the generation of baryon asymmetry in the universe, together with some of the proposed solutions to each. Finally, a novel connection between the two open problems will be presented.

The expansion of the Universe is in an accelerated phase. This
acceleration was first estabilished by observations of SuperNovae, and
has since been confirmed through a range of independent observations.
The physical cause of this acceleration is coined Dark Energy, and
most observations indicate that Einsteins cosmological constant
provides a very good fit. In that case, approximately 70% of the
energy of the Universe presently consists of this cosmological
I will in this talk address the possibility that there may exist other
possible causes of the observed acceleration. In particular will I
discuss a concrete model, inspired by the well-known Lorentz force in
electromagnetism, where Dark Matter causes the acceleration. With a
fairly simple numerical simulation we find that the model appears
consistent with all observations.
In such a model, where Dark Matter properties causes the acceleration
of the Universe, there is no need for a cosmological constant.

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