HaGS: a survey of star forming galaxies in the local Universe
Prof. Phil James
I will present results from a survey of the star formation properties of nearby galaxies, using H alpha narrow-band imaging. The first half of the talk will cover the `expected' results of such a survey: how total star formation rates depend on galaxy morphology, the contribution of different types to the global star formation activity per unit volume of the nearby Universe, constraints on star formation histories, and indications of how stellar mass has been assembled in disks from the spatial distributions of young and old stars. The second half will look at some less expected spin-offs, including some surprising facts about the Magellanic Clouds, and new findings on progenitors of core-collapse supernovae.About the talk
HaGS: a survey of star forming galaxies in the local Universe
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Prof. Phil James
Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Thursday June 12, 2008 - 0:00 GMT+1 (Aula)

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