OSIRIS: Primeros resultados
Dr. Jordi Cepa
The standard scientific operations of the instrument OSIRIS will start at the GTC by mid March. The first tests of the instrument once mounted on the telescope are now finished and during this talk we will show the results of the instrument characterization and final performance. We will present the plans for the future commissioning of the remaining observing modes as well as the next implementations expected for OSIRIS.
About the talk
OSIRIS: Primeros resultados
iCalendar Google Calendar
Dr. Jordi Cepa
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain
Wednesday March 11, 2009 - 0:00 GMT (Aula)

iCalendar Google Calendar
About the speaker
See Dr. Jordi Cepa's interview at the IAC.