G5T: Exoplanetary Atmospheres
The discoveries of thousands of extrasolar planets have revealed an astonishing diversity in their physical characteristics - orbital properties, masses, radii, temperatures, and host stars. Exoplanets known today range from super Jupiters to Earth-size rocky planets over a wide range of temperatures, including several in the habitable zones of their host stars. Recent advances in atmospheric spectroscopy of exoplanets are leading to unprecedented insights into their atmospheric properties. I will discuss some of these developments in atmospheric characterisation of exoplanets and their implications for understanding atmospheric processes, formation mechanisms, and habitability across a wide range of planetary bulk properties. A survey of theoretical and observational directions in the field will be presented along with some open questions on the horizon.
Meeting ID: 865 5820 3608
Passcode: 055970
About the talk
Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge

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