The Standard Cosmological Model
Dr. José Alberto Rubiño
This is the first talk of a series of four aimed to discuss about Cosmology. Here, I will review the basic concepts of the standard cosmological model, which will be further discussed in the following talks, as well as the observational evidence in support of the Lambda-CDM model. As the subject is very broad, I will focus the discussion on topics related with inflation, dark matter and dark energy. Moreover, I will mainly discuss large scale structure probes.
About the talk
The Standard Cosmological Model
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Dr. José Alberto Rubiño
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain
Monday July 18, 2011 - 0:00 GMT+1 (Aula)

CMB, cold dark matter, dark energy, dark matter, diffuse radiation, distance scale, early universe, large-scale structure, redshift
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