Research Division Seminar
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: News and Prospects from the IAC
This has been an exciting year for the SDSS-III collaboration. BOSS has made spectacular progress and it is running 6 months ahead of schedule. APOGEE has secured ~ 300,000 spectra for 50,000 stars, mostly red giants and nearly half of its total sample. The APOGEE Stellar Parameter and Chemical Abundance Pipeline is providing reliable atmospheric parameters, including metallicities. Data Release 10 (DR10) will take place next summer, but DR10 BOSS data are already available to the collaboration, and DR10 APOGEE data products will be internally released in the next few weeks. SDSS activity is growing at the IAC. We will report on SDSS-III news and SDSS-IV prospects, including an overview of the SDSS-IV programs APOGEE-2, eBOSS (+TDSS+SPIDERS), and MaNGA.
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