M33 as a galaxy example that connects the evolution of big and dwarf galaxies in the Local Group.
Prof. Leticia Carigi
Based on the double exponential behaviour of the gas mass profile and on the O/H gradient, Robles-Valdez, Carigi & Peimbert (2013) built a sucessful chemical evolution model for M33. The model predicts that in the inner parts of M33 the star formation history follows an inside-out scenario, like M31 or the MW, but in the outer parts of M33 the star formation history follows an outside-in scenario, as dwarf galaxies of the Local Group.
About the talk
M33 as a galaxy example that connects the evolution of big and dwarf galaxies in the Local Group.
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Prof. Leticia Carigi
Thursday December 12, 2013 - 22:30 GMT (Aula)

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