SkyMAD: Building galaxy mock catalogs for large surveys
The accelerated expansion of the Universe discovered in the late 90's has opened one of the most intriguing questions of modern physics. To help to understand its origin, and measure the expansion history of the Universe, large galaxy spectroscopic surveys are being carried out and planned for the future. In this talk, I will review the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) and the requirements to achieve its precise results. I will then describe a sample of large-volume high-resolution N-body simulations available at MultiDark database,
that are useful to test the models. Finally, I will present some work I have been doing aimed at producing a large number of mock galaxy catalogs using an improved lagrangian perturbation theory calibrated with these simulations. Mock galaxy catalogs are essential to produce reliable cosmological constraints from these surveys.
About the talk

iCalendar that are useful to test the models. Finally, I will present some work I have been doing aimed at producing a large number of mock galaxy catalogs using an improved lagrangian perturbation theory calibrated with these simulations. Mock galaxy catalogs are essential to produce reliable cosmological constraints from these surveys.&location=&trp=false&ctz=Atlantic/Canary' target='_blank' rel='nofollow' class='btn btn-primary btn-sm text-light' title='Export to Google Calendar'> Google Calendar