SDSS-IV@IAC: The empire strikes back
SDSS-III and its four surveys, BOSS, SEGUE-2, MARVELS and APOGEE, came to an end in June 2014, and all data were publicly released last January. The IAC participation as a full member spanned all surveys, and has driven an increase in the use of SDSS data at the IAC: about 15 % of the papers published by the IAC (and about 30% of its citations) in 2010-2014 involve the use of SDSS data.SDSS-IV started immediately after SDSS-III ended, with three new surveys, eBOSS, APOGEE-2, and MaNGA. The IAC continues in the collaboration as the sole full institutional member in Spain, and one of the few in Europe. We will provide an update on SDSS-IV, and bring some the IAC researchers working on SDSS to tell us first hand about their science.
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