Research Division Seminar
New Advances in Nebular Spectroscopy of Heavy Elements
Dr. Nicholas C. Sterling
The origins of neutron(n)-capture elements (atomic number Z > 30) have historically been discerned from the interpretation of stellar spectra. However, in the last decade nebular spectroscopy has been demonstrated to be a potentially powerful new tool to study the nucleosynthesis of n-capture elements. In this talk, I will discuss exciting new advances made in this field with near-infrared and optical observations of planetary nebulae, and atomic data investigations that enable the analysis of spectroscopic data.
About the talk
New Advances in Nebular Spectroscopy of Heavy Elements
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Dr. Nicholas C. Sterling
University of West-Georgia, USA
University of West-Georgia, USA
Tuesday July 7, 2015 - 12:30 GMT+1 (Aula)

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