Research Division Seminar
SPICA - a space infrared telescope for cosmology and astrophysics
Dr. Francisco Najarro de la Parra, Dr. Jesús Martín-Pintado
In this talk we will review the SPICA mission and present its current status under the new framework. Optimized for mid- and far-infrared astronomy with a cryogenically cooled ~2.5m telescope, SPICA will achieve high spatial resolution and unprecedented sensitivity in this wavelength domain. It will enable to address fundamental problems in astrophysics ranging from the formation of planets to the star-formation history of the universe.
About the talk
SPICA - a space infrared telescope for cosmology and astrophysics
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Dr. Francisco Najarro de la Parra
Centro de Astrobiologia
Centro de Astrobiologia
Dr. Jesús Martín-Pintado
Centro de Astrobiologia
Centro de Astrobiologia
Wednesday January 13, 2016 - 12:30 GMT (Aula)

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