Seminario "The evolution of the human vision and the impact on astronomy", por Héctor Castañeda Imprimir
Martes 03 de Julio de 2012 08:20

Hoy martes, a las 12:30 (hora canaria), Héctor Castañeda, investigador de la Escuela Superior de Física y Matemáticas de México y miembro Consolider-GTC del equipo OTELO-IAC, ofrecerá el seminario "The evolution of the human vision and the impact on astronomy". Será en el Aula del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) y podrán seguir la charla en directo vía streaming.

Más información:
The evolution of the human vision and the impact on astronomy
Artículo en Astro-ph
Retransmisión Streaming en directo
Archivo de Seminarios del IAC

The evolution of human vision is linked directly to our perception of the world around us, and therefore also associated with the development of astronomical science. In this talk we will discuss the main characteristics that define the camera called the eye and the mechanisms associated with visual perception in the brain, and present some implications of the issues discussed, including the detection of historical supernovae and the determination of their light curve, the discovery of the Orion Nebula and the illusion, popularized by Lowell, known as the "Mars channels".