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2. How to access to integral package

The integral package can be installed inside IRAF environment. For the installation see Ref: INT-IAC-MNL-003.

For load in IRAF, type cl (and [Return]) from the directory (e.g. /package/integral) where you have the file/s and (see Ref: INT-IAC-MNL-003):

/package/integral> cl

You can load the integral package typing integral like whichever IRAF package:

cl> integral

For get a general description of the integral package type [*]:

cl> help integral opt=sys helpdb= $^{\prime\prime}$(int_helpdb) $^{\prime\prime}$

If you want obtain a paper copy of this help you have to type:

cl> help integral opt=sys helpdb= $^{\prime\prime}$(int_helpdb) $^{\prime\prime}$| lprint


Carlos del Burgo