Postdoctoral position at the K.U. Leuven

General Statement and Description

Duration and starting date

Nature of appointment and salary

Who can apply

Application procedure

Information and queries


General statement and description

This postdoctoral position is for a researcher with experience in computational physics and numerical MHD modelling. We are looking for a candidate with interest in solar and plasma physics, who will continue and extend our present numerical modelling of the physics of coronal mass ejections. In particular, the task is to link our MHD code AMRVAC to our kinetic code CELESTE3D and to develop a working AMR-PIC code based on the existing algorithms and code. Basic knowledge of parallelization and C++ will be of advantage. The Centre for Plasma Astrophysics (K.U.Leuven) is heavily involved in state-of-the-art numerical simulation techniques and its applications to solar and astrophysics, and has projects on multi-scale and multi-physics model development and applications. The postdoc will also directly benefit from the Solaire network research environment, which has the explicit aim of fostering research collaborations among its participating institutions and its five collaborative work packages. The activities of the network include network meetings, postgraduate schools and complementary-skills courses.


Duration and starting date

The position will last for 18 months. Expected starting date is as soon as possible after the end of the selection process, and, preferably, before June 1, 2009.


Nature of the Appointment and Salary

The selected candidate will be appointed with a full-time, temporary contract, the salary and extras being paid through the Solaire EU network funds. Salary and social benefits are based on the applicable EU regulations as well as the local regulations of the K.U.Leuven. The  gross salary will be roughly 2.900 euro/month, plus a mobility allowance depending on the marital status of the applicant. Local taxes and  the employee's contribution to social security must be deducted from that amount. In addition, the appointees will receive career exploration and travel allowances in accordance with the European Commission's rules for Marie Curie Networks.

Details about salary and benefits can be obtained through the contact address given below.


Who can apply

At the time of appointment, applicants must be in possession of a PhD and have between 4 and 10 years of research experience after obtaining a degree that gives access to doctoral studies in the country in which the degree was obtained.The position is open to nationals of any European Union country (including associated states, but excluding Belgium). Additionally, at the start of their appointment, the candidate may not have resided or carried out their main activity in Belgium for more than 12 months in the previous 3 years.Further conditions and exceptions to these rules can be obtained in the contact addresses given below.

The Solaire network especially encourages applications from women.


Application Procedure

Candidates must submit, before April 10, 2009,

* a Curriculum Vitae including a list of publications, a brief report on the past research/technical activity, and a statement of suitability  for the position.

* A photocopy of the PhD Degree certificate and of the Passport.  Additionally, they must provide for two letters of recommendation to be sent directly by the persons recommending the candidate.

* An electronic version of the PhD Thesis (pdf-file) if available.  

All documents must be sent to the following address (please, indicate as Subject: Solaire Postdoctoral Position) 

Prof.Dr. Stefaan Poedts

CPA/K.U.LeuvenCelestijnenlaan 200 B3001




Information and queries

* Concerning details about this position: please contact Prof. Stefaan Poedts (

* Concerning details about the Solaire network in general:please contact Prof. F. Moreno-Insertis (