Third workshop for young researchers on coronal mass ejections and related phenomena.

Third workshop for young researchers on coronal mass ejections and related phenomena. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon.  28-30 May 2008.

The Workshop will have an informal character with emphasis on open discussion. The scientific topics to be discussed will focus on coronal mass ejections, but presentations and discussions on related topics (e.g. filament eruptions, flares, magnetic flux emergence, coronal field extrapolations, magnetic clouds) are anticipated as well.

Target participants are European PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in solar physics. We will be able to invite about 25 participants.

The main motivation for this workshop is to bring together young researchers in an environment which is "dominated" by them rather than by experienced scientists. On usual meetings or workshops, and to some extent also in summer schools, time for discussions is limited and young researchers (in particular PhD students) often do not dare to ask questions or to participate actively in discussions.
Our aim is to provide an environment which is less "formal" than a conference and less "school-like" than a summer school. We hope that young researchers feel less inhibited in such an environment and are encouraged to participate actively on discussions. We plan to be very flexible with time limits for presentations, in order to provide enough room for questions and discussions.

Full information on the workshop can be found here