High-level training of researchers

The SOLAIRE network provides a cohesive and flexible framework for high-level training of researchers in solar plasma and radiation transfer physics,

  • with particular attention to the latest analytical and computational techniques
  • aiming at overcoming traditional boundaries between theory and observation, analytical and computational approaches, macroscopic and microscopic modelling.
 Features of the Training and Transfer of Knowledge (ToK) programme
  • Training of 10 students at the postgraduate, pre-doctoral stage. A combination of approaches will be encouraged (e.g., numerical modelling with observations; analytical models with numerical results). The resulting theses will include 2 of the 3 approaches.
  • Appointment of post-doctoral researchers as key elements in the ToK programme.
  • The training given to appointees of the Solaire network provides a solid basis on the fundamental physics of the network topics and strongly emphasizes the acquisition of the numerical, analytical and observational tools required for high-level research in this field at the international leading-edge.