MMFs and Penumbral Filaments for the ApJ paper
'Moving Magnetic Features as Prolongation of Penumbral Filaments' (PDF - PS) by A. Sainz Dalda and V. Martínez Pillet RATIONALE: Here we present several movies NOT INCLUDED in the electronic edition of the paper. We think that maybe some of them can be interesting for the study of MMF and the relationship between them and the penumbra. For this reason we have kept the umbra and penumbra edges overlaid, removed the arrows that pointed out the selected MMFs in the paper, and changed the threshold of the magnetic field. Furthermore, the new magnetic swell phenomena is clearly seen. |
NOAA 0330 magnetogram with the umbra and penumbra edges overlaid
+/-100 Gauss. (Click on image to view or to download the movie) |
NOAA 0330 magnetogram with the umbra and penumbra edges overlaid
+/-200 Gauss. (Click on image to view or to download the movie) |
NOAA 0330 magnetogram with the umbra and penumbra edges overlaid
+/-300 Gauss. (Click on image to view or to download the movie) |
NOAA 0330 magnetogram with the umbra and penumbra edges overlaid
+/-400 Gauss. (Click on image to view or to download the movie) |
value magnetogram of NOAA 0330 scaled between 0 and +100 Gauss. (Click on image to view or to download the movie) |
value magnetogram of NOAA 0330 scaled between 0 and +300 Gauss. (Click on image to view or to download the movie) |
Go to the web page about the ApJ paper 'MMFs as
Prolongation of Penumbral Filaments' Author: A. Sainz Dalda ( Last modified: 16/10/2005 |