Special call for WHT and StellaA special call for WHT and STELLA proposals for Spanish CAT night observing time in semester 2020A hass been released. Deadline Nov 30, 2019, 22:59 Canarian time.
2nd September, 2019
Night CAT call for proposals 2020AThe call for proposals for semester 2020A of the night CAT has been released. Deadline on October 2, at 22:59 UT (Canarian time)
4th March, 2019
Night CAT call for proposals 2019BThe call for proposals for semester 2019B of the night CAT has been released. The deadline is Wednesday, 3 April 2019, at 22:59 h Canarian local time (23:59 CEST, 21:59 UT).
4th September, 2018
Night CAT call for proposals 2019AThe call for proposals for semester 2019A of the night CAT has been released. Deadline on October 2, at 23:59 UT.
9th May, 2018
Call for IAC-Nordic NOT proposals for semester 2018BWe announce the call for IAC-Nordic proposals for semester 2018B. Deadline: 28 May 2018, at 17:00 h Canarian time (18:00 h CEST). Full announcement available here
6th March, 2018
Night CAT call for proposals 2018BThe call for proposals for semester 2018B of the night CAT has been released. Deadline on April 3, at 23:59 UT.
4th September, 2017
Night CAT call for proposals 2018AThe 2018A Spanish Night CAT and Spanish/Mexican collaborative time at the GTC call for proposals is available with proposals due October 3, 2017 (17 h Canarian Time). All applicants are recommended to read the call for proposals and check the highlights for 2018A.
31st May, 2017
Special call for INT and Mercator 2017BSpecial call for the INT and Mercator 2017B. Proposal due on Sunday, June 11th, at 17:00 h Canarian time (18:00 h CET)
9th March, 2017
Special call for CIRCE polarization proposals 2017AGTC opens a special call for observing proposals with CIRCE in polarimetric mode for semester 2017A. Due date: April 3, 2017, at 17 h Canarian time (18 h CET).
28th February, 2017
Standard call for night CAT proposals semester 2017BThe 2017B Spanish night CAT call for proposals for the Canarian Observatories is now available and proposals are due on April 3rd, at 17 h Canarian time (18 h CET). The Gran Telescopio de Canarias (GTC) Spanish-Mexican collaborative time call for proposals is also open with the same due date. There are important changes with 1