Call 2025A (closed)
The solar Time Allocation Committee (TAC) aims at distributing the observing time at the solar telescopes under the responsibility of the IAC (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias) in the Observatorio del Teide (OT) and the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (ORM). The time allocated is that corresponding to Spain following the International Agreements for Cooperation in Astrophysics (20% of the total amount of available time in each telescope). The allocation is made according to the interest of all the applications and on the available time.
The call for observing proposal is usually made in December for the GREGOR, VTT, THEMIS and SST. From 2018 onwards, there will be another call for proposals for GREGOR and VTT around May-June. The proposals are submitted to the solar CAT at the IAC (see section “Applications” in this webpage).
The call for observing proposals is open to everyone independently of the nationality for the telescopes GREGOR, VTT, and THEMIS. A Spanish PI is required for the SST proposals. Those who wish to make coordinated observations in different telescopes are requested to state it clearly in the proposal for each telescope to facilitate its global evaluation as a whole.
International Time Program
According to the International Agreements for Cooperation in Astrophysics, 5% of the total amount of available time at the solar telescopes is assigned to special international cooperation programs. The approval corresponds to the CCI (International Scientific Committee). This observing time will be allocated by the EAST TAC, a common European Time Allocation Committee installed by EAST (European Association for Solar Telescopes). Proposals can be made for each individual telescope or for a combination of them (EAST TAC)