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PP 019062
Formation and morphology of anomalous solar circular polarization
IAC , Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno
The morphology of spectral line polarization is the most valuable observable to investigate the magnetic and dynamic solar atmosphere. However, in order to develop solar diagnosis, it is fundamental to understand the different kinds of anomalous solar signals that have been routinely found in linear and circular polarization (LP,CP). This paper explains and characterizes the morphology of solar CP signals by understanding the combined effect of magnetic fields, velocity gradients, and atomic orientation in general NLTE regime. To that aim, an analytical two-layer model of the polarized radiative transfer equation is developed and used to solve the NLTE problem with atomic polarization in a semi-parametric way. The formation of polarization is thus insightfully described with certain precision without neither resorting in MHD models nor sacrifying key physical ingredients. The potential of the model for reproducing solar anomalous CP is shown with detailed calculations. The essential physical behavior of dichroism and atomic orientation is described, introducing the concepts of dichroic inversion, neutral and reinforcing medium, critic intensity spectrum, and critic source function. It is shown that the zero-crossings of the CP spectrum are useful to classify its morphology and understand its formation. This led to identify and explain the morphology of the seven most characteristics CP signals that a single (depth-resolved) scattering layer can produce. Futhermore, it is found that a minimal number of two magnetic layers along the LOS is required to fully explain anomalous solar CP signals, and that the morphology and polarity of Stokes V depends on magnetic, radiative and atomic polarities. Some implications of these results are presented through a preliminar modeling of anomalous CP signals in the Na I D and Fe I 1564.8 nm lines.