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PP 020007

Modelling the strongest silicate emission features of local type 1 AGN

M. Martínez-Paredes(1), O. González-Martín(2), D. Esparza-Arredondo(2), M. Kim(1), A. Alonso-Herrero(3), Y. Krongold(4), T. Hoang(1), C. Ramos Almeida(5,6), I. Aretxaga(7), D. Dultzin(4), J. Hodgson(1)
(1) Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, (2) IRyA/UNAM, (3) CAB, (4) Instituto de Astronomía/UNAM, (5) IAC, (6) ULL, (7) INAOE
We measure the 10 and 18 micron silicate features in a sample of 67 local (z<0.1) type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGN) with available Spitzer spectra dominated by non-stellar processes. We select from this sample sources with the strongest 10 micron silicate strength and carry out a detailed modeling of the IRS/ Spitzer spectra by comparing several models that assume different geometries and dust composition: a smooth torus model, two clumpy torus models, a two-phase medium torus model, and a disk+outflow clumpy model. We find that the silicate features are well modeled by the clumpy model of Nenkova et al. 2008, and among all models those including outflows and complex dust composition are the best (Hoenig et al. 2017). We note that even in AGN-dominated galaxies it is usually necessary to add stellar contributions to reproduce the emission at the shortest wavelengths. (Abridged).

Aceptado para publicación en ApJ | Enviado el 2020-01-08 | Proyecto P/301404, P/301508