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PP 020025

The extreme CNO-enhanced composition of the primitive iron-poor dwarf star J0815+4729

Jonay I. González Hernández (1), DavidS. Aguado(2), Carlos Allende Prieto (1), Adam J. Burgasser (3), Rafael Rebolo (1)
(1) IAC, (2) University of Cambridge (UK), (3) University of California San Diego
We present an analysis of high-resolution Keck/HIRES spectroscopic observations of J0815+4729, an extremely carbon-enhanced, iron-poor dwarf star. These high-quality data allow us to derive a metallicity of [Fe/H]$=-5.49{\pm}0.14$ from the three strongest \ion{Fe}{1} lines and to measure a high [Ca/Fe]~$=0.75{\pm}0.14$. The large carbon abundance of A(C)~$=7.43{\pm}0.17$ (or [C/Fe]~$\sim 4.49{\pm}0.11$) places this star in the upper boundary of the low-carbon band in the A(C)-[Fe/H] diagram, suggesting no contamination from a binary AGB companion. We detect the oxygen triplet at 777nm for the first time in an ultra-metal poor star, indicating a large oxygen-to-iron abundance ratio of [O/Fe]~$=4.03{\pm}0.12$ (A(O)~$=7.23{\pm}0.14$), significantly higher than the previously most metal-poor dwarf J2209-0028 with an oxygen triplet detection with [O/Fe]~$\sim2.2$~dex at [Fe/H]~$\sim -3.9$. Nitrogen is also dramatically enhanced with (A(N)~$=6.75{\pm}0.08$) and an abundance ratio [N/Fe]~$\sim 4.41{\pm}0.08$. We also detect Ca, Na and Mg, while provide upper limits for eight other elements. The abundance pattern of J0815+4729 resembles that of HE~1327-2326, indicating that both are second-generation stars contaminated by a $\sim 21-27$~\msun~single, zero-metallicity low-energy supernova with very little mixing and substantial fallback. The absence of lithium implies an upper-limit abundance A(Li)~$<1.3$~dex, about 0.7~dex below the detected Li abundance in J0023+0307 which has a similar metallicity, exacerbating the cosmological lithium problem.

Aceptado para publicación en ApJL | Enviado el 2020-01-22 | Proyecto P/301008