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PP 020113

Abell 30 - A Binary Central Star Among the Born-Again Planetary Nebulae

George H. Jacoby (1), Todd C. Hillwig (2), David Jones (3,4)
(1) NSF, (2) Valparaiso University, (3) IAC, (4) ULL
Eight planetary nebulae have been identified as `born-again', a class of object typified by knotty secondary ejecta having low masses ($\sim$$10^{-4}$ M$_{\odot}$) with nearly no hydrogen. Abell 30, the archetype of the class, also belongs to a small subset of planetary nebulae that exhibit extreme abundance discrepancy factors (where Abell 30 is the most extreme), a phenomenon strongly linked to binary star interactions. We report the presence of light curve brightness variations having a period of 1.060 days that are highly suggestive of a binary central star in Abell 30. If confirmed, this detection supports the proposed link between binary central stars and extreme abundance discrepancies.

Aceptado para publicación en MNRAS | Enviado el 2020-08-10 | Proyecto P/308614