II LIOM International WORKSHOP
Wavefront Sensing and Optomechanical concepts for Large Telescopes
Day 1. Feb. 14, 2024
Morning session (Chair Rafael Rebolo)
09h00-09h15 Rafael Rebolo: Welcome from IAC and LIOM
09h15-09h30 Jeff Kuhn: Workshop Organization
09h30-10h00 All: Introduction LIOM and Collaborators
10h00-10h10 Nicolas Lodieu: SELF telescope construction update
10h10-10h40 Gil Moretto: Live mirror curvature polishing (online)
10h40-11h00 Jeff Kuhn: Live mirror discussion, timelines, milestones
11h00-11:15 Paula Sola La Serna: Differential abrasive polishing, timelines, milestones
11h15-11h30 Ed Kibblewhite: Discussion, abrasive shaping
11h30-12h00 Coffee Break
12h00-12h30 Niko Romer: Curvature polishing, status
12h30-13:00 Jeff Kuhn: Discussion curvature polishing, timeline and milestones
13h00-13h30 Uzair Mirza/Cynthia Giebink: The LIOM SELF public presence (online)
13h30-13h45 Hamid Rafii: Creating greater public presence, AI and other tools
13h45-14:00 Maud Langlois: High order wavefront correction (online)
14:15-15:00 Light Lunch @ IACTEC
Afternoon session (Chair Nicolas Lodieu)
15h15-15h30 Douglas Hope/Stuart Jefferies: AO, wavefront correction discussion, SURI
15h30-16h00 Auxiliadora Padrón: Photonic Lantern wavefront measurement
16h00-16h15 Pradip Gatkine: PL discussion, milestones (online)
16h15-16h30 Jeff Kuhn/Nicolas Lodieu: subgroup follow-up discussions
16h30-17h00 Kevin Lewis: Further ideas on LIOM/ELF messaging
17h30 END of day 1 - Return to Hotel
Day 2. Feb. 15, 2024
Morning session (Chair: Jeff Kuhn)
09h00-09h30 Ye Zhou/Thimothy Ko: Tensegrity, microELF and mirror support systems
09h30-10h00 Patricia Fernández: Discussion, optomechanical systems
10h00-10:30 Ye Zhou/Sergio Salata/Diego Tamayo/Alejandro Ruiz: SELF telescope status
10h30-11h00 Sergio Salata: SELF discussion
11h00-11h15 Sudhakar Prasad: Super Resolution
11h15-11h45 Luis Fernando Rodríguez: Photonics discussion
11h45-12h00 Coffee Break
12h00-12h30 Stuart Jefferies: SURI project and discussion (online)
12h30-13:00 Justin Fletcher/Ryan Swindle: USSF collaboration (online)
13h00-13h30 Nicolas Lodieu: Broadening SELF collaborations, discussion
13h30-14h00 Jannick Rolland: Discussion of IP protection and collaborator rights
14:00-15:00 Light Lunch @ IACTEC
Afternoon session (Chair: Nicolas Lodieu)
15h00-15h15 Alfonso Rivera: IAC and space technology projects discussion
15h15-15h30 Niko Romer: Satellite projects: Coronagraph and space debris
15h30-15h45 Pradip Gatkine: Satellite projects: Cubesat spectrograph (online)
15h45-16h15 Jeff Kuhn: Fizeau telescopes in space
16h15-16h45 Alex Oscoz: LIOM and space project discussion
16h45-17h00 Wolfgang Osten: Creating Commercial Value, spinoffs and startupsSubgroup followup discussions
17h00-17:30 Subgroup followup discussions
17h30 END of day 2 - Return to Hotel
Day 3. Feb 16, 2024
Morning session (Chair: Jeff Kuhn)
09h00-09h30 Natalia Arteaga: Machine Learning wavefront solutions
09h30-10h00 Andres Asensio/Fabien Capsal: Reinforcement solution strategies, adaptive wavefronts
10h00-11:00 Wolfgang Osten: Optomechanics masters curricula, examples, discussion
11h00-11h30 Jeff Kuhn: Wrap up discussion, collaborations, milestone review
11h30-12h00 Coffee Break
12:00 Leave to Teide Observatory: SELF site and telescopes visit
18:00 Return to La Laguna = END of Workshop