Laboratory For Innovation In Opto-Mechanics

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Participant Subject Institution
Alejandro Ruiz Sabina SELF telescope status IAC
Alex Oscoz LIOM and space project discussion IAC
Alfonso Ynigo Rivera IAC and space technology projects IAC
Andres Asensio Ramos Reinforcement solution strategies, adaptive wavefronts IAC
Cynthia Anne Giebink LIOM SELF public presence  Uni. Hawaii
Diego Tamayo SELF telescope status IAC
Douglas Alan Hope AO, wavefront correction discussion, SURI Georgia State Uni.
Edward Kibblewhite Large telescope concepts and mirror innovation Univ. Chic.
Gil Moretto (Virtual) Live mirror curvature polishing  CRAL
Jannick Rolland IP protection and collaborator rights Univ. Rochester
Jean-Fabien Capsal (Virtual) Reinforcement solution strategies, adaptive wavefronts INSA
Jeff Kuhn ERA Chair UH/IAC
Justin Fletcher USSF collaboration  Space Force
Kevin Lewis Creating greater public presence, AI and other tools Buble
Leticia García Varela Student Georgia State Uni.
Luis F. Rodríguez Photonic research directions at IAC IAC
Mª Auxiliadora Padrón Photonic Lantern wavefront measurement IAC
Maud Langlois (Virtual) High order AO correction in Fizeau telescopes CRAL
Natalia Arteaga Marrero Machine Learning wavefront solutions IAC
Nicolas Lodieu Status of the ELF prototype IAC
Nikolas Gamo Romer Satellite projects: Coronagraph and space debris U. Rochester
Paula Sola La Serna Differential abrasive polishing, timelines, milestones IAC
Patricia Fernández Izquierdo Optomechanical systems IAC
Pradip Gatkine (Virtual) Astrophotonics: directions and opportunities Cal Tech.
Rafael Rebolo Relating LIOM: to IAC, IACTEC,  and larger communities IAC Director
Ryan Swindle (Virtual) USSF collaboration  Space Force
Sergio Salata SELF telescope status AVS
Stuart Jefferies SURI project and discussion Geor. State U.
Sudhakar Prasad Super Resolution U. Minnesota
Timothy Ko Tensegrity, microELF and mirror support systems Dyn. Int. Systems
Uzair Mirza (Virtual) The LIOM SELF public presence  Stellify Inc.
Victor Quintero LIOM Project Manager IAC
Wolfgang Osten Optomechanics masters curricula, examples Univ. Stuttgart
Ye Zhou Tensegrity, microELF and mirror support systems Dyn. Int. Systems