Laboratory For Innovation In Opto-Mechanics

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AGENDA (Hybrid meeting. IACTEC and virtual)

Day 1. Feb. 13, 2023 

 LIOM KICK-OFF MEETING                                                                 
Morning session (Chair Nicolas Lodieu)
What is LIOM?
10h00-10h15 Rafael Rebolo: Introductions
10h15-10h30 (virtual) Alberto Fernandez (EU project officer): LIOM and ERC
10h30-11h00 Jeff Kuhn: Technical introduction to ELF and LIOM
11h00-11h30 Rafael Rebolo: LIOM in the IAC, IACTEC and larger communities
11h30-12h00 Coffee break
12h00-12h30 Anselmo Sosa: Overview of LIOM program goals and milestones 
12h30-13h30 Round table introductions
13h30-14h30 Light Lunch @ IACTEC
Afternoon session (Chair Nicolas Lodieu) LIOM sustainability
14h30-15h00 Pablo Redondo: Introduction to IACTEC programmes and its future directions
15h00-15h10 Jeff Kuhn: Science with ELF
15h10-15h40 Andres Asensio Ramos: Machine learning solutions for imaging and wavefronts
15h40-15h50  Nicolas Lodieu: Small-ELF science goals
15h50-16h10 Jeff Kuhn, Rafael Rebolo: LIOM prioritizing and achieving goals discussion
16h10-16h30 Coffee break
17h00-17h20 Kevin Lewis: Ideas about LIOM public relations and business development
17h20-17h30 Nayra Rodriguez: IAC Unit of Communication UC3
17h30-17h40 Hector Socas: The Science Museum in La Laguna
17h40-18h00 (virtual) Uzair Mirza: Driving Internet Traffic to LIOM
18h30 Back from IACTEC to Hotel Nivaria



Day 2. Feb. 14, 2023      


Morning session (Chair Rafael Rebolo) Building Partnerships and Prototypes
10h00-10h30 Wolfgang Osten: Examples of technology public and private collaborations
10h30-11h00 Jannick Roland: Industry - academic partnerships that create optical technologies
11h00-11h30 Pete Worden: Future needs for ground and space large optical receivers
11h30-12h00 Coffee break
12h00-12h15 Jeff Kuhn: ELF key technology development needs
12h15-12h45 Wolfgang Osten: Metrology technology, opportunities
12h45-13h15 Ye Zhou: Small-ELF design
13h15-13h30 Nicolas Lodieu: Small-ELF status and goals
13h30-14h30 Light Lunch @ IACTEC
Afternoon session (Chair Pete Worden) Large telescope projects, quantum and astrophotonics opportunities
14h30-15h00 (virtual) Roger Angel: LFAST - large aperture telescope concept
15h00-15h30 (virtual) John Mather and Eliad Perez: Using orbiting starshades and beacons
15h30-16h00 Round table discussion of LIOM - telescope partnership opportunities
15h30-16h00 Wolfgang Osten: Metrology concepts, future directions
16h00-16h30 Coffee break
16h30-16h45 Luis F. Rodríguez Ramos: Photonic research directions at IAC
16h45-17h00 Paolo Villoresi: Quantum limits on wavefront sensing
17h00-18h00 (virtual) Pradip Gatkine: Astrophotonics - directions and opportunities
18h30 Bus back from IACTEC to Hotel Nivaria

Day 3. Feb 15, 2023   

Morning session I (Chair Maud Langlois) LIOM Technologies, Mirrors and Tensegrity
09h30-10h00  Gil Moretto: Status of "Live mirror" electroactive dynamic mirror project
10h00-10h30 Ed Kibblewhite: Large telescope concepts and mirror innovation
10h30-10h45 Jeff Kuhn: Curvature polishing and thin mirror technology
10h45-11h00 Joe Ritter: Static curvature polishing of optical glass mirror
11h00-11h15 (virtual) Jean-Fabien Capsal: Future of electroactive polymers
11h15-11h30 Open discussion of mirrors
11h30-12h00 Coffee break
Morning Session II (Chair Gil Moretto) LIOM Optomechanics: Tensegrity
12h00-12h15 Ye Zhou: Tensegrity in telescopes
12h15-13h15 Fernando Fraternali: Current tensegrity research relevant to minimal mass and deployable structures
13h15-13h30 Open discussion of mirrors and tensegrity
13h30-14h30 Light Lunch @ IACTEC
Afternoon session (Chair Jannick Roland) LIOM Technologies, Wavefront measurement
14h30-15h00 Maud Langlois: High order AO correction in Fizeau telescopes
15h00-15h15 Ryan Swindle: The DASIE distributed aperture simulator and on-sky experiment
15h15-15h30 Iciar Montilla: Adaptive optics solutions at IAC
15h30-16h00 Stuart Jefferies: Wavefront sensing for image restoration
16h00-16h30 Coffee break
16h30-16h45 (virtual) Ian Cunnyngham: Supervised Machine Learning Wavefront solutions
16h45-17h15 Justin Fletcher: End to end learning of sequential wavefront control and image recovery
17h15-17h30 Luzma Montoya: The EST MCAO program
17h30-18h00 (virtual) Olivier Guyon: Direct imaging with planned astronomy telescopes
18h30 Bus back from IACTEC to Hotel Nivaria
20h00-23h00 Dinner in La Laguna city centre: Restaurante El Remojo

Day 4. Feb 16,  2023      

Morning session (Chair Wolfgang Osten) Building a LIOM Roadmap
10h00-10h15 Mary Barreto Cabrera: Big telescope planning/managing: lessons learned from EST
10h15-10h30 Discussion of online feedback
10h30-11h30 All: Milestones discussion
11h30-12h00 Coffee break
12h00-12h30 Summary and actions to be taken 
12h30-13h30 Visit to IACTEC
Afternoon: visit at Teide Observatory  
13h30 Departure from IACTEC to the observatory by bus
14h30-15h30 Lunch at the observatory
15h30-17h30 Visit site of Small-ELF
17h30 Departure from observatory back to Hotel Nivaria

Day 5. Feb 17, 2023   

Morning session (Chair Jeff Kuhn) Starting LIOM Collaborations
10h00-11h30 All: Initiate parallel collaborations discussions
11h30-12h00 Coffee break
12h00-13h00 Jeff Kuhn: End of meeting: summary and conclusions
13h15 Bus back from IACTEC to Hotel Nivaria