Laboratory For Innovation In Opto-Mechanics

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Alberto Fernández (virtual) 
Legal and administrative issues of the LIOM project
European Commission
Andrés Asensio Machine Learning solutions for imaging and wavefronts IAC
Anselmo Sosa Overview of LIOM program goals and milestones IAC
Caisey Harlingten   Private
Cody Shaw   Space Force
Ed Kibblewhite Large telescope concepts and mirror innovation Univ. Chic.
Fernando Fraternali Current tensegrity research relevant to large precise structures Univ. Salerno
Gil Moretto Status of "Live mirror" electroactive dynamic mirror project CRAL
Héctor Socas The Science Museum in La Laguna IAC
Ian Cunnyngham (virtual) Machine Learning Wavefront solutions UH
Iciar Montilla Adaptive optics solutions at IAC IAC
James Schalkwyk
Jannick Roland Industry - academic partnerships that create optical technologies Univ. Rochester
Jean-Fabien Capsal (virtual) Electroactive materials and fabrication techniques INSA
Jeff Kuhn Introduction to ELF and LIOM UH/IAC/Morph
Joe Ritter Static curvature polishing of optical glass mirror  MorphOptic
John Mather (virtual) Orbiting Starshades and big telescope futures NASA
Juan Uson Future thin mirrors
Justin Fletcher Achieving non-supervised machine learning solutions for wavefront control Space Force
Kevin Lewis Building self-sustaining public private ventures and documentation Buble
Kyran Grattan  
Breakthrough Fnd  
Luis F. Rodríguez Photonic research directions at IAC IAC
Mary Barreto Big Telescope planning / managing: Lessons learned from EST IAC
Maud Langlois High order AO correction in Fizeau telescopes CRAL
Nayra Rodríguez IAC Unit of Communication UC3 IAC
Nicolas Lodieu Status of the ELF prototype IAC
Olivier Guyon (virtual) Direct imaging with planned telescopes Subaru
Pablo Redondo Introduction to IACTEC and its future directions IAC
Paolo Villoresi  Quantum limits on wavefront sensing Univ. Padova
Pradip Gatkine (virtual) Astrophotonics: directions and opportunities Cal Tech.
Rafael Rebolo Relating LIOM: to IAC, IACTEC,  and larger communities IAC
Ryan Swindle The DASIE distributed aperture simulator and on-sky experiment Space Force
S. Pete Worden Future needs for large optical receivers Breakthrough Fnd
Stuart Jefferies Distributed aperture telescope plans for non-astronomy applications Geor. State U.
Uzair Mirza (virtual) Driving Internet Traffic to LIOM Stellify Inc.
Wolfgang Osten Metrology concepts: future directions Univ. Stuttgart
Ye Zhou Tensegrity solutions for optical mirror support/ SELF status Dyn. Int. Systems