Tesis supervisadas

"La formación de las nebulosas planetarias a traves de los datos IRAS", Pedro García Lario 1992

"Spatially resolved study of chemical abundances in planetary nebulae", Martín Guerrero Roncel 1995

"The cicumstellar evolution from the AGB to the planetary nebula phase", Eva Villaver Sobrino 2001

"Star forming rate in 0.5 < z< 1 galaxies: a scientific case for the multi-slit NIR spectrograph LIRIS", Carlos Domínguez Tagle 2003

"Study of the transition phase between AGB stars and PNe", Domingo Aníbal García Hernández 2005

"Probing the physical and chemical properties of star-forming galaxies at z-1", Nayra Rodríguez Eugenio 2014

"Study of fullerene-based molecular nanostructures in planetary nebulae", José Jairo Díaz Luis 2017

"S-process nucleosynthesis in AGB stars with the full spectrum of turbulence scheme for convection", Andrés Yagüe López 2018

"Circumstellar effects and isotopic composition in O-rich AGB stars", Víctor Pérez Mesa 2020

"Study of binary central stars of planetary nebulae with GALEX and corollary optical surveys", Marco A. Gómez Muñoz 2020