The FRIDA Project

The FRIDA Project

Instrument Overview

IAC Project Team

IAC contribution

Science Drivers

Sky coverage with AO with natural or laser guide star

Other NIR instruments

IAC programs on high spatial resolution techniques and atmospheric optics


Database (internal)


First Adaptive-Optics Camera and Integral Spectrograph for the 10 m GTC

FRIDA project arises in 2004 under mutual agreement of three institutes:

- Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Spain) 

- Instituto de Astronomia de UNAM (Mexico) 

- Astronomy Department of the University of Florida (USA)

FRIDA Project  |  Instrument Overview | Science Drivers  |  IAC Contribution  |  IAC Project Team  |  Sky Coverage

Other Instruments | IAC Programs | Contact | Database

©Page maintained by the FRIDA group at IAC