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The newsletter of the SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza N. 40 - March/April 2011
There are only 10 types of people in the world — those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Users and computers data base

With the remodeling of the displays in the main corridor, the panel showing the pictures of the Research Area staff has been removed. If you just fell in love with a postdoc next door, but you do not know who she is, and can not longer use the panel to look up her face and find out her name, do not despair! There is an excellent (and much more environmentally friendly) alternative in our "Users and Computers" database: http://marta/cdb/. There you can see where people are located in the IAC building, look at their picture, find their phone extension and the computer they are using. For a panoramic view of all users pictures, just click on "users". If you think that your photo fails to reflect adequately your handsomeness and charm, please feel free to send us a better one.
Disclaimer: the accuracy and completeness of the database rest on the information we receive from the Research and Graduate Studies Areas (for users) and from the SIC (for hardware).

Update of PmWiki

We have recently updated to its latest version, 2.2.24, the PmWiki installations we have in the external Web server (SIEpedia) and in the IAC intranet (http://venus/SIE/wiki/). The previous PmWiki version was already showing signs of its age, and had some (minor) incompatibilities with the current PHP version running in our servers. However, most of the changes that have been made are "under the hood", and might not be readily apparent to the casual user. All the plug-ins we had installed (Calendar, conversion to PDF, and others) seem to work fine, but please let us know if you notice anything wrong (or just weird).

New Diodo

The new diodo has been busy number crunching during its first month of life (computing more hours than in the whole second semester of 2010). During this month some problems have arisen, mainly to do with the parallel file system (PVFS2), but a recent update to the latest version has given us the more robust and stable version of PVFS2 to date. Some additional changes to Diodo are scheduled (next downtime on the week starting April 25th), among them the inclusion of Diodo in the IAC Condor pool. If you want to make use of Diodo or have any questions/suggestions/etc., just get in touch with us.

Migration of Web servers: status report

In the last issue of this newsletter, we announced that the Research Area Intranet was moved from goya to the new server, venus, and that work was in progress to migrate also part of the external website. As of now, the SINFIN and the SIEpedia, the Aula Virtual, the IAC Telescopes and Instruments web, the Winter Schools webs have been migrated successfully, as well as many conferences and a few project and personal websites. Basically, all websites belonging to the Research and Graduate Studies Area will be eventually migrated to the new servers, together with some other Web applications such as eGroupWare.

Website requests now paperless

As part of the above change, now all requests for creating new personal, project or conference websites have gone paperless (no more sheets to sign, get written authorization, etc.). Just use the new webform, which will create a new CAU ticket, and we'll do the rest.
SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza :: N. 40 - March/April 2011 - Contact: