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The newsletter of the SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza N. 24 - January/February 2008

Results for our software courses poll

We thank all of you who have replied to our poll on what software courses or talks are of interest to our users (we received 45 answers). The results can be seen at: http://marta/sie/survey/results.php?surveyid=12 (please just ignore the two harmless error messages). The application does not show what has been entered into the "other (please specify)" box, so we'll just tell you: six people suggested a course on the SQL language, a user proposed a course on using LaTeX for presentations, and another a course on making posters with corel draw or gimp, as well as animations. Stay tuned ...

SIE Users Committee

We are pleased to inform that the new SIE Users Committee (CUSIE from its spanish acronym) is working with renewed energy and dedication. Two meetings have been held so far, on November 27 2007 and January 17 2008. The minutes for both meetings, accessible through the CUSIE Web portal, are written in an informal style and can be an interesting and entertaining reading. However, if you are in a hurry please scroll down and go straight to the list of closed and open actions to see what the CUSIE is keeping itself occupied with.

Quick Reference to IAC's Computer Services

It often happens that users, especially newcomers (but also seasoned ones ...), get confused between SIC and SIE, and do not know which one to get in touch with when they have some specific question or problem. It's true that a lot of information on what the SIC and the SIE are responsible for is contained in their websites (SIC:; SIE:, but sometimes it is not so easily visible as it should be. For this reason, we have put together this Quick Reference Guide to IAC's Computer Services, a simple table where you can (hopefully) find the specific service you are interested in and be directed to the corresponding Web page. If you have comments or suggestions on how to improve or expand this table, please write to .

SIE Web support suspended

We deeply regret to inform that, due to the termination of Jorge's contract as SIE Web Officer, SIE's Web support is suspended. We hope to resume it in a couple of months, when the position of SIE Web Officer will be filled up again. Our SIENews and SIEminar series will be temporarily discontinued too. Please address any questions or concerns about our Web support to .
SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza :: N. 24 - January/February 2008 - Contact: