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The newsletter of the SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza N. 10 - July/August 2006

SIEminar: "The SSH Tunnel of Love", by Angel de Vicente and Carlos Martín Galán, on Wednesday July 12 at 12.30 in the Aula

If you are working at home (or while on travel), but still wish to access the IAC's own network and computer resources, ssh tunnels are an excellent alternative to a VPN. In this talk, we will show how to set up and use ssh tunnels to access your email, browse the IAC Intranet, read papers on ApJ and other journals, or run IDL locally on your own laptop but with an IAC floating license. Instructions and examples will be given both for Linux and Windows. You'll love it!

IRAF Course next week, by Nicola Caon

Whether you are an absolute beginner, or are already familiar with IRAF but wish to learn more about it, do not miss the "IRAF Course" that Nicola will be giving in about a week or so. (Exact dates, times and location will be announced by email). If you are not sure of whether this IRAF Course may be of interest for you, and would like to know more about contents and program, you may read the announcement for last year's Course on the SIE Forum, and browse the Tutorial IRAF paso a paso.

Writing your PhD Thesis in Spanish and having problems with LaTeX?

Writing up a PhD Thesis requires lot of work and dedication, and you certainly do not want to waste precious time fighting against LaTeX problems and quirks! We believe we can help you, and as a matter of fact we have added to our SIEpedia a new HOWTOs, LaTeX Tesis en Español, with solutions or work-arounds to some of the LaTeX problems that a few of you are currently detecting, at least for the spanish style. So, if LaTeX is giving you a hard time, just relax, and let us help you, OK?

Can my Linux PC speak and understand Spanish, or Italian, or German?

Yes, at least in part. While English is the default "language" of any computer, by modifying the locale settings you may change for instance the language of some program`s Graphical User Interface, or the language of a shell's error messages. However, changing the locale setting is not something to do on a whim, as it may affect adversely the behaviour of some applications. Please read our Tutorial on Linux Locale and, should you have any doubts or questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

IRAF for Windows XP?! (well, yes, if you have Cygwin ...)

The IRAF V2.13 beta-release of the Mac/Intel port now includes a port to Cygwin under Windows XP SP2 (there are also ports of DS9 and xgterm for Windows XP). Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows, which includes many GNU tools, such as Unix shells, compilers, X and ssh clients, etc. We have installed and tested IRAF for Cygwin, and it appears to work quite well. If you wish to install and run IRAF in your Windows XP SP2 laptop, please follow our SIEpedia HOWTO. Cygwin itself is not covered, but thorough and clear information and installation instructions can be found in the Cygwin website.
SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza :: N. 10 - July/August 2006 - Contact: