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The newsletter of the SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza N. 37 - June/July 2010


Besides being something reminescent of Scarborough Fair, Sage is also a free open-source mathematics software system, licensed under the GPL, that combines the power of many existing open-source packages into a common Python-based interface. We managed to install version 4.4.2 version in our software servers. To start it, just type sage. This package can be used either on the command line or as a notebook in a Web server. We recommend taking the Sage Feature Tour before using it.

Chat with us for swift response to computer problems

Often, solving a computer problem or answering some doubts requires some interaction between the user and the helpdesk staff. This is typically carried out either by email, or by phone. Each way has its own drawbacks: email becomes cumbersome and slow when a rapid exchange of information is required; by phone it's quite complicated to convey error messages or complex commands to be typed. Perhaps the best solution in this cases is to chat, using one of the many applications available. We would like to offer chatting in a experimental way, and you are welcomed to try it out. We recommend GoogleChat, as it works right out of the browser and no installation of anything is required (but you need of course a Google account).

SSH automatic login (no password prompt)

Sometimes we need to login remotely in another machine (for instance we have a computer account in some Research Center we are collaborating with), or in a same machine but with a different username (as we do for our administrative tasks: installing new software packages, developing Web pages, managing Condor, etc.). If one does this often, having to type the password every time soon becomes a nuisance. Luckily, there is an easy yet secure way to do a "passwordless" remote connection, at least in Linux. Simple and clear instructions can be found at SSH Automatic Login.

Condor/Diodo/LaPalma Hall of Fame

Tradition dictates that it is now time to publish the usage statistics of the Supercomputing resources at the IAC for the first semester of 2010. In total, 914353.9 CPU hours were delivered during this period. By resource, Condor delivered 440990 CPU hours, LaPalma 282620 and Diodo 190743.90. Full details of the breakdown by users can be found at the SIE Forum for Condor, LaPalma and Diodo. If you want a piece of this pie and don't know how to start, just let us know.
SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza :: N. 37 - June/July 2010 - Contact: