Teide HPC
Our researchers can now get access to the
This supercomputer has more than 17000 Intel Sandy Bridge cores (the same type
as those that you can find in MareNostrum), it is the second most powerful supercomputer
in Spain and one of the most powerful computers in the World (169th position
in June 2014, according to the
Top500 Supercomputer
Sites). If you are interested in executing your applications there, please
get in touch with us by sending an email to res_support@iac.es. We have also
written a
to help users who wish to run their programs in the Teide-HPC. We'll be also happy
to give direct support to those users who need it.
IACPublications presented at the "LISA VII" Conference
The IACPubs application, a regularly updated database containing all papers written
by IAC researchers, was presented in a
talk, delivered by Monique (general overview) and Jorge (technical aspects),
at the
Library and Information Services in Astronomy (LISA VII) conference in Naples
last June.
IACPubs raised the interest of several astronomical institutions, which share
the same concerns and needs in terms of managing and measuring the scientific
output of their research staff.
Among other interesting news presented at LISA VII, we'd like to highlight
ADSLabs, which will
eventually replace the "old tried-and-true
Abstract Databases", and
whose main purpose is to assign a persistent digital identifier to all researchers,
thus eliminating the present confusion about authors with multiple name variants
or same or look-alike names (we encourage everybody who hasn't already done so
to register in ORCID and get their ID).
"Tele" command removed
With the new state-of-the-art VoIP telephone system, and its integrated phone
directory, the command "tele" (used to look for phone numbers from the
command line) has become out of date. Thus, after 13 years of hard and honest
work, "tele" has been retired from service.
HTCondor + LaPalma Hall of Fame (1st semester 2014)
The first semester of 2014 is over and we have updated the HTCondor Stats in
Supercomputing Hall of Fame forum thread.
HTCondor has been very busy in these 6 months, with more than 25 users consuming
in total about 1.300.000 CPU hours (one and a half century in just 6 months!).
As usual, we encourage our researchers to contact us or check our
to see whether it is suitable for their computational needs. As for the LaPalma
supercomputer, in the March-June period users consumed about 901350 CPU hours
out of 1156710 CPU hours available (about 78%).
HTCondor Control Panel
Recently we have been developing some additional tools to help us managing in
a efficient way the whole HTCondor pool, and to let our users get more detailed
and complete information about HTCondor usage. In the last issue we introduced
an online tool to get statistics data about HTCondor executions for each machine
Now we are pleased to announce a new tool that offers a panoramic view of all
our machines in a glance. You can use it to see on what PCs HTCondor is executing
jobs, which slots are free, to check the load of any machine, their hardware
and OS specifications, the HTCondor queue status, and many further parameters.
These data are presented in a easy-to-interpret graphical panel, with additional
graphs summarizing the most important HTCondor usage data. This Control Panel is
still in beta version, but you can check it at
any feedback will be welcomed.
Standalone Checkpointing Mechanism
Have you ever been disappointed because you are running a C, C++ or Fortran program,
and all of a sudden something happens and the execution is abruptly stopped (for
instance, your PC crashes)? When that happens, most times you lose all the work
and have to run again your program again from scratch, wasting a lot of time
and resources ... It would be wonderful if we could "freeze" the execution at
some points and then be able to run your application again from any of those
points at any time, wouldn't it? That is perfectly possible with HTCondor's "Standalone
Checkpointing Mechanism": you do NOT need to use HTCondor at all, only compile
your program with a special command that links it with some libraries that allow
you to set checkpoints for your execution at any time you want (for instance
at regular intervals). This feature has been available since some time ago, but
now more compilers are supported, after we upgraded HTCondor to v8.0.6 a few
weeks ago. Please check the
usage instructions,
and get in touch with us if you have any doubt.