SIEminar: "PyRAF: IRAF from a Pythonian
point of view", by Ruyman Azzollini, Wednesday 14 March 12.30
In this Sieminar Ruyman will give us a brief and practical introduction to
PyRAF. This software package provides a handy and efficient way to use IRAF,
both in "console" and "scripting" modes. Perhaps, the
scripting abilities are the ones which add more value to the common use of
IRAF. This is because of its Python related properties, namely 1) a clearer
and much more flexible and powerful programming syntaxis, 2) the possibility
of integrating IRAF and non-IRAF related tasks in the same script, including
the large family of Python modules and 3) easier debugging of scripts. In
brief, we will learn how to 1) use the PyRAF command interpreter, 2) make a
python script that uses IRAF/PyRAF tasks, 3) define tasks in PyRAF and 4) a
few tips from one who has played a bit with this "toy" for adult
Guidelines about machines and scratch disks for those
users leaving the IAC
The "Comisión de Investigación" 02/2007 on 27 February approved
some guidelines about the responsibilities on machines and scratch disks of those users
leaving the IAC. The full guidelines are set out in the spanish document
sobre el material informático al abandonar el IAC. The relevant points are:
- The "SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza" understands that all
users who abandon the IAC (or move out of their office and become collaborators) leave
their machines and scratch disks at complete disposal of the Research and Teaching Areas
for their reassignment or withdrawal from service.
- The users (and, when applicable, their IPs) are fully responsible for making sure
that they have a copy of all their data before leaving the IAC.
- Neither the SIE nor the SIC are responsible for the data left in a machine that has
been reassigned or withdrawn.
- In the case of machines belonging to some project, it's responsibility of the users
or of their IPs to inform in advance the SIE about specific plans for such machines
(for instance, reassignment to a new member of the project).
Server migration
Recently we migrated the Research Area, MultiMedia Service and SIE
Web pages from
marta, the SIE development and test server,
goya, the central server hosting the IAC intranet.
Please take note of the new addresses and update your bookmarks:
(Have you noticed we have also changed our logo?)
Should you find any errors or problems please do not hesistate to let us know by writing to
Update of LIRISDR package
LIRISDR, the iraf external package developed here at the IAC to reduce LIRIS
data, has been upgraded to version 2.5. Noteworthy changes are: improved object
masking for the ldedither routine; possibility to save an exposure image and
rejection cube for ldedither; simplified use of lspnodcomb (input file contains
only images to be combined). It is recommended to unlearn LIRISDR and its
tasks to avoid problems with modified task parameters. Please report any problems
or suggestions to Jose Acosta Pulido, .
Telarchive and Aladin upgraded
An updated version of P. Erwin's archive-searching script, telarchive v1.1-rc1, is now
available. The main advantage is that it now works with the new Simbad interface
(Simbad switched over several months back, so the older script was no longer
looking up object coordinates properly). It also includes DR5 of the Sloan Digital
Sky Survey, the Multimission Archive at STScI (IUE, FUSE, GALEX, etc.), and preliminary
support for Gemini and SMOKA. For further details, visit
P. Erwin's telarchive webpage.
Type telarchive --help for usage help.
has been updated to the latest version, v4.006.